I’m dedicating this post to my 17 year old niece, Seren. You are a strong woman of God and he wants you to realise how unbelievably loved you are. So this word I’ve had is for you, but I’m sharing it here because maybe someone else needs to read it too.
Whilst worshiping in church this morning, the word “sharp” came to mind and I pictured the sharpest sword I've ever seen. It was shiny and new, so much so, the light reflecting off it was blinding.
There is an old saying, something like, words cut deeper than a sword. Basically saying, be careful in your choice of words as they can scar forever. Something that most of us (me included) need to learn from more. But those words are closer than when spoken to others. Holding that sword so close can be even more dangerous to yourself than it is to others. Have we ever thought about how damaging that sword is when we speak negative, discouraging and hurtful things to ourselves? We are closer to that sword than anyone else and those scars must cut even deeper.
When God sent us out into this battlefield of a world, He didn’t just send us bare with no protection or guidance. He gave us a heavy duty suit of armour.
Ephesians 6:11 says- “Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil.”
The devil didn’t just wake up one morning, flick through the yellow pages (for those born in the 00’s, it’s a phone book printed on actual paper, with actual ink...oh I’m getting older!) and let his finger land on a name and decide “ok I’ll shoot an arrow their way to see if I can ruin their day”...NO, he hate us all! Loaths in fact. He sits like the Grinch, in his lair constantly planning and plotting to try and destroy us all, not just with a bad day but for our whole lives! And without sounding really morbid, our entire earthly lives will be filled with constant battles “strategically” thrown our way, in every direction by him. He’s looking for a weak spot, our Achilles heel, a gap in our armour.
So tighten up! Stand up straight. Polish that suit and focus. Be alert and stand firm, you have the upper hand-if you use what you've been equip with.
Ephesians then goes on to say-“For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.”
Right now at least 50% of the population are battling with sickness. I’m included in that. I’m well, but pain lingers. But I’m standing on my promise that “this sickness is not unto death but for the glory of God”. All that I’ve gone through is just adding to my testimony, it will just be another chapter where I can proclaim how good God is. He has taken me out of the darkness, I will tell the world about it!
But the fight isn’t with the sickness, it’s with the evil that sent that sickness, so don’t be mad at the illness and blame that, blame the devil. You’ve actually got someone to shout at-SHOUT. Declare your body to be well, declare that you will sing of Gods glory even more so through this struggle. Make the ground tremble and send vibrations to that dark world.
In Hebrews 4:12 it says “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”
When you speak of Gods work, the devil can’t touch you. When you speak Gods word, swinging that sword you create immediate impact, so use it on the enemy-not yourself. Even the smallest scratch from that sword will strike fear into the devil.
Do not let the devil stand in the way of your God-given future, because what is in store for you is beyond your wildest imagination.
The motto in our house is “Do Not Fear”. Say out loud that you are not afraid. Wesleys started saying he’s scared when he has to go into a room in the dark. So we send him in ‘brave like a lion’ and make him roar, shouting ”IM NOT AFRAID”, making that devil tremble.
I’ll let you read the rest of Ephesians yourselves. The armour of God is one of my favourite parts of the bible. It’s a way of living. Yes we all fall and mistakably ‘forget’ to seek God first sometimes. We worry before putting the problem at his feet, but we all need make it our way of life, our routine that is as easy as breathing in new air.
Two songs that stick in my mind, One is from bethel- “Goodness of God”. In that song it says “With every breath that I am able, I will sing of the Glory of God”. This was so relevant to me, on those days where I crawled up the stairs to bed-I had to keep thanking him. Because even though at that moment I was surrounded by pain and I could barely focus on anything- I still had so much to be thankful for. We always have something to be thankful for.
The second song is “Waymaker” by Leeland. In this song it says “Even when I don’t see it you're working. Even if I don’t feel it you’re working. You never stop, you never stop working”. There was a moment during my treatment where I heard Gods voice telling me to stop asking and He told me He’s already working. It was that week my HCG level normalised. I knew it was being dealt with so I didn’t have to drain my energy begging for healing. He was already fixing everything in his own time. He just needed me to finish the chapter and add it to my testimony.
I could make an endless list of songs that have been soundtracks to my life so far but for now those two will do!
So, hold that sharp sword tight and point it in the right direction, aimed at the enemy not yourself. Make sure your armour is well kept by filling yourself with teaching and worship regularly and KNOW that God is in your corner so you can never loose.
My sickness was not God-given but he has used it and taught me so much (and still is). Know that light shines brighter in the darkness. Sing louder, pray harder and be joyful. The devil will be petrified to even come close to you.
You‘re Gonna be Ok- Jenn Johnson, Bethel
Goodness of God- Jenn Johnson, Bethel
Waymaker- Leeland